Web Hosting Service provided by Kinetica, Published in Bologna, Italy.
Site owner Nomisma Spa In compliance with Article 42 of law 88/2009, Nomisma Spa furthermore provides the following information:
- Operation Headquarters: Strada Maggiore, 44 – 40125 – Bologna
- Telephone: 051-6483111
- Pec: nomisma-pec@legalmail.it
- VAT: IT02243430374
- Fiscal Code and registration number in the Business Register of BO: 02243430374
- Economic Administrative Directory Number (REA): 265406
- Share Capital in Euros: € 6.963.499,89 – Sottoscritto: € 6.963.499,89 – Versato: € 6.963.499,89
Nomisma Spa further declares that the company is not in liquidation and that there is no single shareholder. Please report any typos, omissions or inaccuracies to info@nomisma.it.